Templar Battleforce Elite App Recensioni

Best game on mobile.

Just do yourself a favor and pick it up ;)

Templar Battleforce

I would love to write another review post update here, but I'm still rocking iOS 7... So I guess my love affair with the Trese Brothers comes to an end here with their movement of everything up to iOS 8+... At least until I get a newer device with more space... **update** WOW that was a long time ago (in iOS land anyway). Been rockin’ this on my iP11 and aaaaah!! I almost forgot how mindblowingly amazing this one is. It’s the title that got me into the Trese Bros, and I’ll always have a warm spot in my gamer memory for it. And my, how FAR they’ve come too!! The sequel to Star Traders has me drooling just thinking of what they could do with a sequel to T.B.!!!! The amount of depth that’s here is already crazy, but I thought the same of the OG S.T.!! Just wanted to say that you guys rock!! I’m so psyched that I can play your games again!!! It was always kind of a letdown after the iOS 8 bump and seeing on the forums that another update I couldn’t get had dropped. But now it’s almost like a Version 1.5 Bonus Edition DLC for almost every game!! =D So glad you’re still porting titles to mobile, as it’s the main way I’ve always played your titles. PC is great and all, but its hard to beat being able to play on a device that’s always in your pocket. Can’t wait to see what you all come up with moving forward!! I have ZERO doubts it’ll completely blow our hair back. Oh... if you’re a strategy fan, this is a MUST BUY AT ANY PRICE!!! It’s beyond worth the $10 price tag and the only thing that’s really come close to the depth and fun that I’ve had with FFT, especially once you’ve played a few games and try to take on the upper difficulties... because THAT is where this game TRUELY shines. That it’s short enough to not need a dedicated 80 hours to beat (I think it’s about 20-30 hours long, depending on your play-style), and you can take your leveled up/powered up Xeno-butt-kicking team into a New Game+, which is where you can get DEEP into those skill trees and really see the synergy that’s possible between multiple teammates. And then, if you’re so inclined, since there’s multiple paths you can take in each stage as well as branching story paths, you can keep the adventurous feeling strong by focusing on different parts of the skill trees, different classes and unlock more of the totally 💯 % NOT cheesy story line (being serious here.... it really was pretty surprising to me how well the devs put everything together story-wise). Really, strategy fans, GET THIS GAME! Even newcomers that are just a little bit interested in strategy games, the lower difficulties are PERFECT for those who aren’t so familiar with the genre. It can be a bit technical, but there’s loads of room for experimentation and unless you’re playing on the most hardened difficulties, you’ll never really feel like you made a completely regrettable decision when spending skill points or switching up gear. I could keep going, but if you’re still reading this, you’re waisting valuable Xeno-squashing time!!! I mean really, if you’ve read all this, you’re obviously interested enough to take the plunge. Trese Bros keep their games updated whenever new hardware comes out, and are always quick to respond to any issues you might run into. They really have been one of the absolute very best, top tier dev teams on the AppStore when it comes to squashing bugs and sorting out any new operating system or hardware blips that can arise. It’s because of this that I’ve bought every game they’ve made available on mobile AND on Steam. And look at that, I kept going. 🤪 BUY IT ALREADY!!!

Fun but now buggy

I like the game, but after coming back to it after a pause I find with the new iOS I keep ending up in a state where I cannot scroll or zoom (which makes it unplayable)

5 stars

Old-school crunchy turn-based tactics. If shooting bugs with walking tanks piloted by religious zealots sounds like fun, have I got an alternative to 40k for you!

Great but needs ...

Save slots like STF. Some folks hate rogue-likes but otherwise enjoy games like this. Please give us non-roguers some love. ;)

Good game

Good game, but for the price I’d expect this to be full screen on newer devices.

❤️ TB Games!

My iPad Pro thanks you. Keep up the amazing work, gentlemen!

Constant updates!

Have been playing this game on PC and liked it! Now would like to play it more on the go. iPhone X support is not here yet but would be nice to have.

Amazing game, with one question

First off if you’re looking for something to replace 40k Tyranid invasion since its no longer being updated past iPhone 6 this is the best, better in a lot of regards; the story is more in depth and there’s storyline trees so your decisions really do matter. The upgrade tree and items are wrapped into one really big intricate requisition system which is very fun to mess around with. It’s also just right for difficulty, but not like XCOM where your soldiers can’t hit the side of a barn more in variety and type of enemies as well as fog-of-war and environmental components that come together for dynamic challenges. My question is: devs, in the next update could you make it so every action does not pause any background audio we may be listening to? I enjoy listening to podcasts while playing these games but every action in game pauses the audio and it’s unfortunate since it’s the only thing that’s bothersome about this game, and it’s not even really about the game. Thanks and happy upcoming holidays

Great stuff

Lots of fun, tons of customization options, battles are neat, runs great on older phones, highly recommended

Good game

Screen locks up in game. I played for several hours but it became unplayable after a while

A great tactical turn-based combat game

A great game for anyone who likes tactical turn-based combat; particularly anyone that likes space-type marines fighting tyrannical aliens and traitorous cults trying to cause chaos. It’s got a deep skill tree and tons of missions and I’ve long ago gotten my money’s worth. The game system is similar to Space Hulk, but better suited to a more diverse cast of characters. In particular, your characters are more mobile and the games move pretty quickly. Also notable is that the writing is better than most AAA big sci-fi titles.

These guys...are absolutely NUTS

I’ve owned this game since a few months after original launch...and the list of ongoing updates alone is SO impressive. In fact, about 2-3 hours ago I was checking the update list as I often do just to see....the last one was about 4 weeks ago and it was huge....ahem...tttThen...I went to the app store about 2 hrs later and...jesus H. christOnaCracker there’s already another patch/update 😳 It’s unparalleled in support as far as mobile games go. I respect the schniz out of this. Although...I sure would love to see the next game they come up with after all these years, I won’t ever complain about YEARS of updates and support for this great gem of a game lol. Ummmm...buy it now.

Best port Ever

Played this on the PC back in the day and am very impressed with the Mobil version


Awesome class-based tactics RPG. For everyone who craves this kind of games in a pocket format. Recommend!

Great game - a bargain at twice the price!

This is one of the best tactical TB squad combat games I've ever played (and I've been playing computer games since the late '80s - anyone remember the Amiga?) - balanced, deep, great tech trees that go on forever, nice story, developers support, good comment and guide community, what more can you ask? Actually, I do have one thing to ask - on the iPad (or at least on my old one), when you go to check the objective, the turn counter is covered up by the decorative armor (eye candy) in the bottom left corner of the screen, so that you can't actually see how many turns have passed - just see "rns of target 12" ( or whatever the goal number is) or words to that effect - am hoping revs can fix and update, it's an annoying glitch. But if that is the biggest complaint I have, it's a terrific game - hours upon hours of entertainment!


Deep and engaging story, great turn based game-play, detailed tech trees. I’m hooked!

Great story, Squad-based RPG and keeps getting better

Very in-depth tech tree and ability to create different types of characters. Great story writing and a LONG game, definitely getting your money’s worth. One of the unique features of the game is the ability to re-spec your team in between battles, allowing you to try vastly different strategies based on your upcoming challenges. Trese Brother games are frequently updated and improved, easy to communicate with on their forums. Active user group to learn/compare strategies for gameplay really make a difference. Wow, the recent performance improvements, UI improvements make this already great game one that you simply must buy. Smooth, fast. Once you get the hang of the team building concept and tech tree, you can attack the game over and over with new teams and experiences. Update: The developers just don't leave this great game alone. 40 updates since originally reviewing. New features, weapons, team choices. Get this game!

App Store's best kept secret! A labor of love!!!

It's hard to pinpoint what makes a game great. There's a ton of great stuff out there on mobile, but most experiences are geared to the non-gamer crowd, those who seem to want to spend $0.99 up front, then be nickeled and dimed to continue enjoying what would be an otherwise great game. They're marketed to people who want "mindless" fun for a few minutes at a time. This is not one of those games. This is a thinking person's game. I hate making these types of comparison, but I can't help but to keep thinking, turn based Starcraft, with a Final Fantasy X style leveling system. This is a game that requires you to invest a little time in learning how it all works, then rewards you regularly for your efforts. Don't just buy this game, buy one of the bundles and show this studio some love, you'll probably walk away with 200-300 hours of quality gameplay.

Good strategy game

I loved to play XCOM and had been searching for other excellent strategy game since it will be disappear soon because of the 64 bit apocalypse Yesterday accidentally found this gem because of the discount,been playing for an hour an loved this ... If you like strategy game just grab this excellent game by an indie dev team

An example of a great game and devoted Dev.

Can't thank you enough for all the constant attention and tlc you give this game. Really top notch and feature full. Plus all the constant goodies you release with the updates. It's been a mainstay on my iPad since it came out.

Top notch

Wonderful and challenging game

Awesome game

This is the best rpg game I have found on the App Store . Very fun and a lot of variety in missions keep this interesting, with large skill tree. Well worth the money for this one. Even plays smooth on my old iPad mini. Keep up the good work trese brothers

Amazing TBS game from the Trese Brothers

Update: The best keeps getting better! More faces and fixes to the app. Trese Brothers support is fantastic! Another excellent turn based tactics game from the Trese Brothers. It's already beginning to receive the post release support that comes with a Trese Brothers! This is the game I wanted Space Hulk to be. Upgrade paths, multiple mission paths, a basic story (though it gets more complicated), and very different units and unit abilities. About the only thing I want is a skirmish/endless mode.

Great tactical fun

Spent many hours on this game enjoying it. If you have played turn-based games, choose a more difficult setting than normal. Only bad thing I can say is that iCloud sync isn't implemented, so you can't play across devices.

An excellent game, but needs a couple fixes

I love this game. The mechanics and upgrades are solid and worthwhile, but there are a couple things that aren't as great. For starters, the ability to pick the soldiers you deploy with would be really good, especially in closed deployments. Making a deploy screen to make sure all your soldiers are selected and properly equipped like in XCOM would be wonderful. Another complaint is the jarring transition between the different music tracks. Please give us a song select in the options, or at least try to make the transition between tracks a little smoother. My last, and hopefully easiest complaint to fix, is that when you close and re-open the app, the sound effects stop working until you force quit and restart the game. That said, you guys have made an excellent game and I can't wait to see more from you guys. Aside from these little quality of life fixes

Great Turn Based Strategy

Awesome that they continue to support this with updates. Really fun TBS game with some RPG elements. Definitely has more than a little hint of the grim darkness of a certain millennium if you know what I mean -- which I think is a good thing.

Awesome turn based strategy

This is a real gem of TBS. Deep story where you'll find lots of indirect references to Warhammer templars, xeno aliens, etc. and Dune spice, free people, traders. Story aside - gameplay is really really good. No IAP's, just pure fun and deep thinking. It never felts like chess, but success always hangs on your squad setup, timely reconnaissance and using all your soldiers abilities. Trust me - once you buy and get through first 2-3 missions learning simple mechanics, you'll get hooked! Great job, dev's!!!

Best RPG/Turn based strategy game I've played in a while.

Very engaging and challenging, yet not impossible (on normal). The narration and story interface is a little stilted and dry, but you can skip it if needed. The AI is refreshingly smart, and the respect feature which allows you to reset and reassign your talents and attributes is a nice extra.

Very engrossing

Once you go through a few battles, this really comes into its own. A very rich, tactical experience with a massive skill tree. iCloud saves please! I'd love to play this on both iPad and iPhone. Great work devs

Great turn based game

The Trese Brothers have never put out a bad game. Best dev support in the business.

Can't see the aliens!

So updated to the new version and now I can't see any of the xenos!

Just when I thought there were no more good games ...

Actually, another reviewer- Loafy<something> - said it better already. Loved playing games on the iPad, fell in love with these tactical RPG's when i stumbled across the first XCOM. That's a high bar - and while there have been a few decent games nothing has really blown me away. I don't remember why I picked this one. I think one in a batch to try without really thinking they would be very good. Needless to say, the others are long gone but this one is still here and I am still playing. Given the very clear attention to *gameplay* - which doesn't mean just graphics or just length or whatever; a great game is a great game because of how all the parts come together. With this game I realized I am not looking for good games or apps in the AppStore, but good people/companies. When I find an amazing game or app, I almost always find its the people behind it, the craftsmen that do this job. I guess it's like most things in the world. You could reasonable not like a book for any number of reasons - but if it's by a great writer, it's probably still a really, really good book. Dane with software revs I think. My favorites always have a few games that aren't my thing , but you know you will get your money's worth and more.

One of the top TBS games on iOS

If you like turn based strategy games, you need this. It's like Deathwatch, but actually fun to play. The devise are constantly updating and improving as well. Only regret I have us that I didn't download this sooner. Highly recommended!!!

A really good game

Been a very long time since I enjoyed a mobile game this much. Bravo!

Trese brothers game, 'nuff said

UPDATE: the new version adds more enemy variants for the later missions, and much appreciated quality of life improvements. 1. Squad based rpg 2. With a story 3. And a tech tree (I know...!) 4. And individual class skills 5. And a new game+ 6. That runs as smooth as butter on and ipad3 7. No IAPs, and no narrow corridors 8. With 7 difficulty levels with variable options for PERMADEATH, including none, ever, or fire-emblem grade "you only live once". Go buy it. These devs have a longstanding and well deserved reputation for making quality apps, which is what prompted this purchase without the need for a demo.

Great game

I love these tactical RPGs, reminds me a lot of shining force for sega but with guns and heavy mech suites. I don't understand why they don't just keep the price at $6.99, they keep pricing it at $9.99 which is still a fair price for the how good the game is, but it's not fair that they constantly revert the price to $6.99 kinda shafting your player base if they aren't aware of the sale.

Buy all of their games

There is no better developer. For fans of turn based RPG, there is no better choice, except maybe Heroes of Steel, I'm torn. Make no mistake this is the game you want

Loving this.

I'm a big TBS fan and this game seems to be simply bursting with possibilities. Congrats on getting PocketTactics' strategy game of the year brothers! The one feature I would love to see would be iCloud support. Would like to transfer to my iPad without having to start all over. Keep up the excellent work TBs!

Outstanding Tactics

My favorite Trese Brothers game and probably the best tactical game on iOS. These guys' games are like a blast from the past. People just don't make great strategy games like this anymore.

Not buying this game would be a mistake!!!

If You like turn based strategy games with a great storyline like, Final Fantasy Tactics for instance, then you MUST get this game! This game has it all. Turn based strategy, great graphics, great story so far, upgradable fun (stats, gear, etc), unlock-able tech tree, class system with specific gear and abilities, great gameplay, and much more. I loved it so much, I bought all the games made by this studio without even trying them. That's how much I trust the other games to be great. You can find the other games in the related area and there are some bundles. Nice! I saw if your not sure, then stop being a chicken and go for it! Only one suggestion for the devs, CLOUD SAVE PLEASE?!

Excellent game!

A fun game from great developers! Highly recommended if you’re into turn based strategy games.

Fun tactical team turn based RPG

I have gotten many games of this genre for my iPad and feel like this is up there in the top ranks, especially for more casual ones. Simpler and a bit easier than xcom, but much more story and char growth than deathwatch or battle dungeon. No iaps or timers or other such annoyances, just a straight forward game. I get bored with most of these before I finish them, but this will be an exception. Oh, there is also a nice variety of missions.

Great game

Actually got more than i thought i was paying for

Awesome!!! Need iCloud save pls

I've played many strategy games and hands down one of the best for 2015. Pls add iCloud save because want to play it on my other devices as well.

Great strategy RPG

What else can you say, this is basically a love letter to strategy RPGs. Lots to like here.

Really good

This game is really really good. I was surprised by how much I wanted to finish this game, I usually only make it about 60% through games before I get bored. This is a great turn-based strategy with RPG elements. I finished the game and I wasn't even close to unlocking all of the skill trees. Good thing there is a game+ mode.

Awesome turned base strategy game!

Saw this game got a 5 star review on Touch Arcade... This is one of the best tactical turn based strategy games that I have ever played. Huge variation to missions, completely custom upgradeable characters and a great story and plot behind the scenes. Playing the tutorial and reading through the library is highly recommended! If you liked Hunters or Warhammer Quest get this game!


I nearly wept tears of joy when I saw that huge tech tree. There is enough tactical depth and customization to keep me busy for a very, very long time.

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